Friday, May 31, 2019

The Importance of Early Childhood Cognitive Development Essay -- Biolo

The Importance of Early Childhood Cognitive Developmentthe States has many programs for graduating students that are involved with education and children. While any college student can appreciate education, I suspect that few understand the importance of proto(prenominal) childishness development. Having committed to apply for a position in Teach for America, I want to better understand why it is so key to find em while theyre young.In 2001, the US Department of Education, Academy of the Sciences, and the Foundation for Child Development conducted a study on early childhood development. Several interesting, scientific ideas and trends on childhood development emerged from the study. The questions surrounding this research were how fundamental is the early life of a child? What early years are most important? Why are later years not more important? In order to better plan education policy, discussing these questions is necessary.The portion of the study I find most convincing is that regarding neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity, is the brains ability to reorganize neural pathways based on new sticks. (1) Simply put, every day we experience and learn new things. In order to incorporate this new information into our brains, the brain must reorganize the way it processes that information. Thus, as we learn things, the brain changes.Neuroplasticity is important because, while it continues throughout the life of every individual, it is closely linked to the rate of brain development/growth. During rapid periods of brain growth, synaptic dress occurs. Synaptic pruning is the elimination of synapses in the brain that are weaker facilitating growth of a stronger, more efficient brain. (2)As the brain grow... ...ost beneficial not only for their education, but also for the physiological development of their brains. This information is useful in many fields of study- the sciences, sociology, political science, law, etc. Neurosciences still have much to develop on early childhood cognitive development. However, presently, the information seems to facilitate the creation of a proper education for young children.References1)Neuroscience Consultant, Prepared by Erin Hoilandhttp// Pruning in Development, Online Version of a textbookhttp// To Learn , Study, Online Version of Texthttp// Department of Education , President Bushs Initiatives http//

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Malcolm X :: essays research papers

Introduction Malcolm X was a great African American Leader, yet there is iodine question that comes to mind when his name is mentioned. Why was Malcolm X such a controversial man? I will now split up you about the life and times of Malcolm, and while doing so, attempt to answer this, o so timely question that so m whatever have asked.Early feelMalcolm Little was born in 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska. His mother, Luis Little was a house wife. His father, Earl Little was a well-known Baptist Minister. When Malcolm was three years old, white supremacists threats to his father hale the rather large family the parents had, to move. They chose to settle in Lansting, Michigan. further this homestead would not last for long. Soon after, their house was turned to ashes by more Area body politic members. But the hate would not stop there.Only two years later Earl Little has found dead on the trolley tracks. The Police, of course, presumed both the death, and the fire, accidents. But Malcol m and his family knew the hateful truth. These Events led to the mental sickness of the tattered widow and mother, Louis Little. She was committed to an Institution (Barbara Haberman, 2002). Malcolm and his brothers and sisters were split up into foster homes and orphanages. Despite all this tragedy, Malcolm became a grievous student in Elementary and middle school. He had dreams of becoming a successful lawyer someday. But one teacher, that Malcolm had favored, shattered these dreams in just one ignorant statement. He told him that this aspiration of becoming something of such a profession, was no realistic goal for a nigger-Teachers name not known- (Barbara Haberman, 2002). This statement, that if told to any white man of that time, would have been thought to be true. Malcolm soon turned away from school and all he had cared about.Malcolms ImprisonmentIn senior high School, Malcolm became rebellious. After he later dropped out, he became a hustler while going through odd jobs. N ew York City was the place for this zoot suit wear bad boy. For four years he shifted between NYC, Boston, and Michigan. Soon Malcolm had gotten caught up the conation and lost trace of his morals. He was even caught staling from friends and family. Once Malcolm said he cherished to fight for the Japanese and kill crackers (white people) ((whole paragraph) William Strickland, 1964)In 1946 Malcolm was sentenced to 10 years in Massachusetts State Prison for the burglary he had recently committed.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Okalahoma critical analysis Essay -- Drama

Okalahoma critical analysisThe original production of Oklahoma opened at the St. James Theatre, New York, on Wednesday March 31, 1943. The top ragprice was $4.80.It ran on Broadway for over five years, besting the previous recordholder Hellzapoppin by more than two years. For fifteen years, from1946 until 1961, Oklahoma held the record as the long-lived running marchin Broadway history.When Okalahoma closed on Broadway May 29, 1948 afterwards 2,212performances, more than four and a half million people had seen itthere.In our communicatory arts lesson we watched a section of Okalahoma. Asour topic is ambitiousnesss and nightm atomic number 18s, we watched the section whereLaurey has her dream. In a swirl of dream images, Laurey sees herselfmarrying Curly when Jud invades the wedding he carries her off,thwarts Curlys attempts to rescue her, and, after a horrificstruggle, kills Curly. Laurey awakes from her nightmare with astart...and finds Jud ready to escort her to the Dance.In the beginning of this section we can see Laurey falling to sleep. hence the lights suddenly dim, this shows the listening that we havetravelled from reality to her dream.The lighting plays an important part in this musical, as itcommunicates to the audience Laureys mood and feelings. When Laureyis dreaming the light dims to a blue. Then hands appear from thecornfields they are being lighted up with gold limelights. She thenfollows them to a large stage, which is filled up with blur light. Inher dream they lighting is calm and cool, and the mood is happy butwhen it changes into a nightmare the lights suddenly switch red, andmakes the atmosphere alarming and unsettling. A spot light is excessivelyused on Curley when he enters to dance with Laurey. This can symbolisethat he is the one for her, and that he stands out from everyone else.By using a white spotlight shows the audience that he is pure andgood. But the spotlights overly build a feeling of confusion anddistress. This is in her nightmare where the lighting is red and thewhite spotlights are darting around the stage. This shows the audienceLaureys feelings towards her nightmare.Music is crucial in her dream as there is no speaking involved, sothey music is the only occasion that can be heard. In her dream they areplaying the song oh, what a beautiful morning. This is played inmaj... ...girls they dance in unison, to show they aretogether and under control. They use lots of turns, and leaps. Theyalso use a lot of ballet movements. This shows the audience a calm,flowing and graceful dream. In the dance with the showgirls, they areall dancing separately with separate movements. They use lots offlexible movements, and balances. This can show the audience that theyare separated and unorganised. When she dances the dance with curlythey use lots of lifts, turns and graceful movements, on the otherhand when dancing with Judd she is being thrown around and manipulatedlike a rag doll. This also shows another contrast, which may relate tothe contrasts in dreams and nightmares.The musical communicated to the audience her feeling and emotionsthrough other means than verbal communication. They show it mainlythrough lighting, movement, and music. It relates to dreams andnightmares as is seems rather peculiar. The music seems out of tuneand distraught. And strange things and people appear throughout tomake the dream seem realistic. This critical analysis will admirer me torelate to dreams and nightmares throughout my performance withouttalking.

Alternative Energy Essay -- Environment, Fossil Fuel, Wind Energy

A topic that has been in discussion throughout the years was the use of selection energy. Alternative Energy is being increasingly used collectable(p) to The threat of global warming. (Tom Udall, Clean Energy, par. 3). The result of the burning of fossil fuels and fossil fuels are soon depleting and pick energies pass on be the ways that people leave alone be living in the near future. As the positives of alternative energy will provide a healthier and disinfecter future, cost is something people underestimate. The set of alternative energy will increase our national deficit as well as the peoples taxes, as manufacturing these products that will create alternative energy is expensive. As the economy of the United States continues to fall apart, Americans continually overuse fossil fuels and increasing the chance of global warming. As this epidemic continues to rise, the organization issued a note asking for change to the way fossil fuels are being used up.As the organisat ion started dealing with this problem, some influential senators have intentional a tear called S.3813 Renewable Electricity Promotion Act of 2010 stating by 2021, power plants will be run by 15% alternative energy. (Reuters, US renewable energy load, par. 2). This is the debate of how the future will end up. This measure will help protect and create hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs and keep America in the light-headed energy race. (Par. 6). As this debate continues to persuade other members of Congress, the level will be persuaded by interest groups who were made to promote or demote the bill. care Groups will use all the resources they can possibly use to find ways to beat the other interest groups to help promote its ideas. As the bill is going through Cong... ...passed the Senate, where the Senate need to collaborate in where certain amendments fit, the last time someone was looking at S. 3813 was Sept 21, 2010, shows that slow progression of the bill. The bill w as considered in committee which has recommended it be considered by the Senate as a whole. (Gov Track, S. 3813, par. 1).The most influential group that has made the most impact would be the American crude oil Institute, where they have the expertise of 270 staff members, where each work on a different aspect of the bill and find ways for the bill to be past. The government hasnt resolved the problem yet because the bill is still being placed under amendments that apply to the bill. It is being carefully examined by the Senators so that mistakes in the bill are not passed and are revised and which will help the economy and the people of the United States. Alternative Energy Essay -- Environment, Fossil Fuel, touch EnergyA topic that has been in discussion throughout the years was the use of alternative energy. Alternative Energy is being increasingly used due to The threat of global warming. (Tom Udall, Clean Energy, par. 3). The result of the burning of fossil fue ls and fossil fuels are soon depleting and alternative energies will be the ways that people will be living in the near future. As the positives of alternative energy will provide a healthier and cleaner future, cost is something people underestimate. The cost of alternative energy will increase our national deficit as well as the peoples taxes, as manufacturing these products that will create alternative energy is expensive. As the economy of the United States continues to fall apart, Americans continually overuse fossil fuels and increasing the chance of global warming. As this epidemic continues to rise, the government issued a bill asking for change to the way fossil fuels are being used up.As the government started dealing with this problem, some influential senators have designed a bill called S.3813 Renewable Electricity Promotion Act of 2010 stating by 2021, power plants will be run by 15% alternative energy. (Reuters, US renewable energy bill, par. 2). This is the debate of how the future will end up. This measure will help protect and create hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs and keep America in the clean energy race. (Par. 6). As this debate continues to persuade other members of Congress, the bill will be persuaded by interest groups who were made to promote or demote the bill. engagement Groups will use all the resources they can possibly use to find ways to beat the other interest groups to help promote its ideas. As the bill is going through Cong... ...passed the Senate, where the Senate need to collaborate in where certain amendments fit, the last time someone was looking at S. 3813 was Sept 21, 2010, shows that slow progression of the bill. The bill was considered in committee which has recommended it be considered by the Senate as a whole. (Gov Track, S. 3813, par. 1).The most influential group that has made the most impact would be the American vegetable oil Institute, where they have the expertise of 270 staff members, where eac h work on a different aspect of the bill and find ways for the bill to be past. The government hasnt resolved the problem yet because the bill is still being placed under amendments that apply to the bill. It is being carefully examined by the Senators so that mistakes in the bill are not passed and are revised and which will help the economy and the people of the United States.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Chronicle of a death foretold :: English Literature:

Chronicle of a death foretoldChronicle of a death foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a off-key novel. It was originally written in Spanish but was latertranslated to English.The story began on the morning of Santiago Nasars murder. We arbeing told the story in first person view by an unnamed narrator whohas witness the events that occurred. I think there is a surreal andrepetitive tone I get the feeling that the narrator is investigatingthe murder because we are told the story years later from anomniscient point of view and all the characters thoughts are shared. in that location were two main themes that I noticed. The main theme was howunpowerful the women are in the story. This is shown when MarquezwritesThe brothers were brought up to be men. The girls were brought up tobe married.This excerpt shows the severity of the lives women lead in thereserved Colombian culture of the town. A womans worthiness as a wifewas measured by her beauty in conjunction with her ability togracio usly run all aspects of a household. The idea that the woman ina marriage is expected to suffer is significant-no woman entersmarriage expecting to be happiness unless she is rosy enough tolove whichever man decides to court her. In this Spanish culture,unlike Western culture, marriage is not based on love.There is also the richness of cultural traditions like honor. Thetwin brothers murder Santiago Nasar because he took their sistersvirginity away. Also, I became aware the there in an emphasis on the ideate that Santiago had, with the trees and the weather on the day hewas murdered. Some recalled that it rained and some said that it wassunny.One technique used in the story as a motif as magic realism. This isthe incorporation of fantastic or mythical into realistic fiction. Inoticed that Marquez keeps on repeating the murder before it occurred,this helped to work up suspense.From the second chapter I understood that the narrator implies thatSantiago is innocent for the crime he dies for. But if he is innocent,then who took Angela Vicarios virginity?The brutality of the social conventions meet women becomesclear in this chapter. Because she was not a virgin when she married,not only is Angela abandoned by her husband, but she is beaten by hermother. The double standards of her culture are highlighted by thefact that the narrator, Santiago and some other friends are all at awhorehouse doing whatever they please.This novel reminded me of the difficulty of understanding events.

Chronicle of a death foretold :: English Literature:

Chronicle of a death foretoldChronicle of a death foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is afictitious novel. It was originally written in Spanish but was latertranslated to English.The boloney began on the morning of Santiago Nasars murder. We arbeing told the story in first person view by an unnamed narrator whohas witness the events that occurred. I think there is a surreal andrepetitive smell I get the feeling that the narrator is investigatingthe murder because we are told the story years later from anomniscient point of view and all the characters thoughts are shared.There were two main themes that I noticed. The main theme was howunpowerful the women are in the story. This is shown when MarquezwritesThe brothers were brought up to be men. The girls were brought up tobe married.This excerpt shows the severity of the lives women perish in thereserved Colombian tillage of the town. A womans worthiness as a wifewas measured by her beauty in conjunction with her business leader togracefully run all aspects of a household. The idea that the woman ina marriage is expected to suffer is significant-no woman entersmarriage expecting to be cheer unless she is fortunate enough tolove whichever man decides to court her. In this Spanish culture,unlike Western culture, marriage is not based on love.There is also the importance of cultural traditions like honor. Thetwin brothers murder Santiago Nasar because he took their sistersvirginity away. Also, I became aware the there in an emphasis on thedream that Santiago had, with the trees and the weather on the day hewas murdered. Some recalled that it rained and some said that it wassunny.One technique used in the story as a motif as magic realism. This isthe incorporation of fantastic or mythical into realistic fiction. Inoticed that Marquez keeps on repeating the murder forward it occurred,this helped to build suspense.From the second chapter I understood that the narrator implies thatSantiago is innocent for the c rime he dies for. But if he is innocent,then who took Angela Vicarios virginity?The brutality of the hearty conventions surrounding women becomesclear in this chapter. Because she was not a virgin when she married,not only is Angela abandoned by her husband, but she is beaten by hermother. The double standards of her culture are highlighted by thefact that the narrator, Santiago and some other friends are all at awhorehouse doing whatever they please.This novel reminded me of the difficulty of accord events.