Thursday, December 26, 2019

Deterrence and Rational Choice Theory of Crime - 3085 Words

The issue of whether decision making by criminals is a rational process is a heated topic of discussion when one asserts that crime is the role of choice. Before the classical school of criminology, crime was thought to be the product of the paranormal occurrence of demons, witches, ghouls, and other creatures. The time prior to the classical school of criminology, called the preclassical era, is divided in two parts. Before the time of state intervention into private matters, each individual dealt with violations of their rights. This was a problem because of the continuous cycle of violence being perpetuated. Soon the State (and even the Church) took on the task of dispensing law and order to the masses of the Middle Ages. This led to a†¦show more content†¦For example, the shame of being exposed as a deviant to friends and family is more threatening than official sanctions. John Braithwaite asserted that shaming someone served to shape ones conscience. The crimes that see m to be the most deterrable seem to be those that are rational, instrumental, mala prohibita (acts that are not inherently evil but prohibited for other reasons), and typically committed in public places. Evidence of the deterrability of drunk driving is limited. Although, the sanctions associated with drunk driving may have a moral education effect. Capital punishment as a deterrent has little effect partly because of the irrational nature of acts punishable by death. Actually there is considerable support for a brutalization effect where it seems that violent crime tends to increase after an execution. There are factors that make someone more or less deterrable. Those who are future oriented, have high self control, are low risk-takers, have an authoritarian personality, are pessimistic, and older people. Also, those who are from higher classes are more deterrable. Females are more deterrable than males. Those who have much to lose and little to gain are also in this category. Sur prisingly, race has very little to do with ones level of deterrence. Cesare Beccaria contended that for someone to be deterred, they had to beShow MoreRelatedDeterrence And Rational Choice Theory777 Words   |  4 Pagesworld crime is happening every single day. Yes, some people may feel as if the deterrence theory does not work. Due to the fact that crime still happens in the world. This essay will look at the support for the theory. As well as the key problems for the theory. Next, it will explain some of the newest directions in deterrence/rational choice theory. Finally, it will either agree/disagree with someone’s thought on deterrence and how it does not work and is a waste of time to study. Deterrence andRead MoreContemporary Utilization Of Classical Perspective1575 Words   |  7 Pagesexplain the contemporary utilization of the classical perspective of criminology. 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As a small child Bruce s parents were brutally gunned down in front of him prompting him to don the cape and mask to rid Gotham city of injustice. In the 2005 movie adaptation starring Christian Bale, Batman is asked why he so selflessly protects the city. He replies, â€Å"It s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.† I believeRead MoreRational Choice Theory as a Deterant to Crime Essay622 Words   |  3 PagesWritten Assignment 1 (Due October 1st ) Rational choice theories are among the fastest growing theories in social science today. Many sociologists and political scientists defend the claim that rational choice theory can provide the basis for a unified and comprehensive theory of social behavior. What distinguishes rational choice theory from other forms of theory is that it denies the existence of any kinds of action other than the purely rational and calculative. All social action can be seen

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Theme Of Red Dress By Alice Munro - 1664 Words

In the short story â€Å"Red Dress-1946†, Alice Munro suggests that a person can have fears of standing out and embarrassment due to society’s expectations. This can pressure one to conform with the majority, and ignore foresights of their future when making life-altering choices. The narrator is led to believe by her mother and her peers that the only way of living a happy life is to find a good husband. This idea is changed when she meets a girl named Mary Fortune who challenges the typical idea of ordinary, but her fear of being different ultimately leads her back to trying to fit into society’s expectations. This blinds her from the foresight that she is following the same path as her mother, and her life could result similar to her†¦show more content†¦By being pressured to fit in, she resorts to self-harm which displays the negative impact of society’s expectations for women to look a certain way. In addition, the hardships of being a woman in 1946 were displayed as the female teacher helplessly â€Å"begged [the boys]† to behave and often â€Å"burst into tears†. Women were considered less superior compared to men, thus they were more vulnerable to the opinions and actions of others because they had more difficulty defending themselves. Eventually, the narrator has no choice but to go to the school dance with the foresight of humiliation. At the school dance, â€Å"a Paul Jones† dance symbolises society and the road the narrator is taking in life where the girls are in the inner circle, the boys are in the outer circle and they end up with whoever is in front of them. The girls barely have a choice with who they end up with, similar to how the narrator does not have an opinion or choice, she is simply desperately waiting for anyone who picks her because she does not want to stand out which leads to embarrassment. The narrator is acutely aware of the â€Å"world’s opinion†. When she r ealized she was one of the few girls left without any boys claiming her, she felt as if â€Å"everybody knew it†. The pressure to conform makes her overly critical of herself, and although she might feel embarrassed and feel like everyone is focusing on her,Show MoreRelatedFeminist Criticism In Alice Munros Axis1087 Words   |  5 Pagesor short story, relating to the present sexism. Ruled by the mental and social prisons of society, the protagonists of Alice Munro’s â€Å"Axis† are the embodiment of the struggles faced by women seeking refuge from the dominant patriarchy during the 1900’s. Although this short story is usually perceived as a thriller, it clearly exhibits a very prominent feminist standpoint. This theme is exposed through the power relationships of the characters in the book, the structuring of masculinity and femininityRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of Alice Munro s How I Met My Husband 1783 Words   |  8 PagesLiterary Analysis – Edie and Alice Munro’s Life Alice Munro’s short story, â€Å"How I Met My Husband† has a narrator that is one of a kind and a true reflection of the author’s lifestyle. The symbolic meaning of Edie’s role in the story can be directly related to the life Alice Munro was living and striving for herself. Edie is a 15-year-old girl who strives for marriage and affection from men, has been raised in a country/rural setting, and does poorly in obtaining a higher education due to many reasonsRead MoreComing of Age in Alice Munro’s Boys and Girls Essay1086 Words   |  5 PagesIn Alice Munro’s â€Å"Boys and Girls,† there is a time line in a young girl’s life when she leaves childhood and its freedoms behind to become a woman. The story depicts hardships in which the protagonist and her younger brother, Laird, experience in order to find their own rite of passage. The main character, who is nameless, faces difficulties and implications on her way to womanhood be cause of gender stereotyping. Initially, she tries to prevent her initiation into womanhood by resisting her parent’s

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Absence of Ex-Offenders in Discussions of Diversity Management

Question: Describe about hiring Ex-Offenders an attempt to minimize the squandering of human capital. Answer: Introduction A number of people get released from prison every year. It is important to look forward to their future after their release. The prisoners who get released from the jail, do they get hired by any employer or do they get absorbed as a full-time worker by any organization? Many of them lived happily after their release with their new life (Bushway Apel, 2012). However, there are also different cases as well. A majority of the number of ex-offenders gets refused and deprived of support from their family and workplace, because of their criminal records. The existence of illegal records creates a reputation in the job market as well as in the society which is difficult to break. These individuals then become incapable to continue their professional work as well as social life. Therefore, it is more likely that they will bounce back to their previous life of criminal activities and again go to jail. They are reversed back to their initial situation within maximum two to three years. An ex-offender who is now the owner of a widely known NGO, has taken up an initiative to promote the ex-offenders to get good jobs and has started arranging job opportunities for them (Varghese, 2013). Presently, a nationally acclaimed specialist is using a unique technique for producing delicious potato pies and pound cakes for the retail shop where the specialist only recruit offenders and ex-offenders. In the study, the effect of hiring ex-offenders in order to protect the loss of human capital has been discussed. According to Verbruggen et al. (2012) the study is solely focused on determining the problems faced by the ex-offenders and the opportunities that can be provided for them, so that, they can live a better life after getting released from the jail. Statement of the Problem Offering jobs to the ex-offenders in order to reduce the decaying effects on the human capital is the matter of grave concern to the stake holders and the leaders as well (Nally et al., 2014). A reputed pack of well efficient professional personnel from reputed companies are always in search of competent and efficient workers who will be able to substantiate the needs and responsibilities of the company. A cluster of guidebooks and a group of researchers have emphasized on the cultural, sexual, sociological, and age distributional biases at the workplace. The socioeconomic connection of the ex-offenders in accordance with the current industrial structure will help the country to prevent a substantial loss of the human capital. Therefore, the problem before the researcher is to provide support and strength to the ex-offenders so as to alleviate the problem of human capital loss (Verbruggen et al., 2012). Purpose of the Study The broad purpose of the study is to establish a proper understanding of the advantage of hiring the ex-offenders in order to reduce the loss of human capital. The paper is dedicated to make people aware about using the non-utilized resourceful section of the society. The stakeholders are always careful about recruiting and retaining an efficient workforce, just because an efficient workforce alone can improve the performance of an organization. Therefore, according to Van Schellen et al. (2012) recruiting the ex-offenders who have the minimal record of criminal activities and also who possess the set of skills as per the requirement of the recruiter will be seen as a benchmark. This will also help to reduce the repetitive behavior that the ex-offenders receive as well as add a social value (Van Schellen et al., 2012). Research Questions The research questions that arise while conducting the study are stated below, What are the reasons for not recruiting people with past criminal records? What are the determining factors that put a limit on the hiring and salary of the ex-offenders? What are the main mediums from which the organization may get to know about the background of the ex-offenders? Brief Review of the Literature Inside the prisons, there is always a negative impact on the security, daily administration and the protection. However, in the daily life, this can be considered as a major factor impacting severely. According to Verbruggen et al. (2012) this is a major concern as the persons serving the punishment in jails or prisons in other ways may be destroying the human capital. Therefore, a proper audit and investigation about the efficiency and skills of the prisoners are needed so as to evaluate their contribution to the human capital. Prison is not a place where the qualifications, talents and abilities of the individuals properly utilized. However, according to Harwin (2012), the prisoners in USA are usually interviewed by experts when they come to the jail. This is mainly done to determine the skills and abilities of the individuals. This also helps to distinguish the individuals who may require assistance during the prison period for literacy or other skill development (Verbruggen et al., 2012). The process that involves less time is always aimed to set up certain objectives. This can be represented with the help of an example. The example of such an activity is the registration for the literacy class. According to Nally et al. (2014) organizations like these generally provide occupational qualifications like cookery, hairdressing, carpentry and others. Moreover, sometimes the criminals are induced to enroll for the lesson which may in turn develop the skill sets within the individual and help them to get a full-time job after they get released from the prison. Verbruggen et al. (2012) pointed out that if these prisoners get hired after their release the prisoners as well as the hiring organization will contribute to diminishing the decay of human capital. Nally et al. (2014) pointed out that, a problem may arise when an inmate in the jail is over educated in comparison with the expected level of education in jails. The data collection method regarding the service and wages of the ex-offenders is fairly problematic. Most of the public scientists used the review of a character in order to learn the industrial market; they did not characterize previous criminal records as a query. Again in some researches even if they did so, the responses received on those queries are purely unrealistic. The prisoners are often rejected by the employers because of their poor educational qualification (Fitzgerald et al., 2013). The ex-convicts in the United States of America have undergone a process of criminal justice system; this deprives them of the easily accessible higher educational facilities for the interested persons. According to Jason et al. (2015), the reason for the failure of education system within the prison may be due to the lack of presence of efficient teaching personnel or due to overcrowding. However, Blessett and Pryor (2013), states that if the ex-offenders are amalgamated into the society after their release, they may be sometime become productive and may add value to the society. Despite this fact, Lageson and Uggen (2013) argues that before incorporating these persons in the society or in the workforce, it should be investigated what was the previous record of the person and how was the behavior of the person in jail. It should also be taken into account the skills and abilities of the individual. Otherwise, it may be dangerous for the society. There are several initiatives and works going on in this regard to incorporate these persons in the society so as to alleviate the problems of decaying of human capital. Verbruggen et al. (2012) pointed out that a large number of social scientists are conducting research in this context so that the companies or organizations can recruit the ex-offenders. It has been seen that most of the ex-offenders are rejected for employment by the companies because of their lack of education. Therefore, there are organizations that are trying to solve these problems by providing educational assistance to the interested students in the prison. Solomon (2012) argues that the employment and salary structures of the ex-convicted persons, if they get employed in a company, are more likely to be biased. This is mainly because of their lesser exposure in the working environment and the lesser experience of work (Verbruggen et al., 2012). The organizations mainly take the advantages of these. However acc ording to Van Schellen et al., (2012) a evaluation report of jail inmates should be designed. During the time of release of an inmate on the basis of his performance in jail, if this evaluation report is updated and shared with the main media by which the organizations obtains information about the ex-offenders, then in such a case the concerned organization will also be able to get an idea about the present situation of the person. However, there are many authors, who have gone against this view. According to Sugie (2012), the persons who have served prison years, there is a tendency among them, for instance if they are neglected and receive disapproval from the society, they return to the criminal life again. Theme/Sub-Topic 1: Hiring Ex-Offenders an Attempt to Minimize the Squandering of Human Capital The topic is to determine the effects of hiring the ex-convicts on the companies and thereby reducing the loss of human capital. Human capital is the most important asset to the society, therefore maintaining and nurturing the human capital is a must for the society. Therefore, this paper aims to help the society by increasing awareness about the fact that recruiting the ex-offenders will help to reduce the decay of human capital. This will be in turn a great benefit for the society in near future (Schriro, 2012). Summary To summarize, it can be said that, the erosion of human capital can be stopped by re-employing the ex-offenders. The recruiters or the organizations should look forward to the rehabilitation of the offenders, who have served the prison term and have rectified themselves. Such individuals can be allowed to enter the society with dignity and respect. This will allow reducing the erosion of human capital. Research Method In this chapter the research methodology is described, which will focus on the research, design, research approach, research philosophy, and other criteria of research that are mentioned by the researcher to justify and substantiate the entire research. In this concept paper, an over view of the methodology will be provided in this section. The rationale behind the research is that it is based on the alarming situation of decaying of human capital. Human capital is the most important resource to the society. Therefore, it is an alarming issue that it is decaying day by day (Pijoan, 2014). If the problem of human capital erosion is not addressed immediately, it may affect the society as a whole; therefore, it is an issue to the researcher. Again, as the problem is increasing with the passage of time, it is more important to try to address the problem as soon as possible. The researcher has opted for a qualitative research. The qualitative research is solely based on the data collected via open-ended questions and the data collected has been collected from are primary source. . Based on the data obtained the researcher will perform the data analysis and try to figure out the solution to the research questions. This will help the researcher to obtain effective and efficient results for the research (Moses, 2012). Summary The researcher has well mentioned all the criteria chosen for the concerned topic of research. The basic understanding of the related factors and essential framework of the research has also been underpinned in the study. While conducting the study, the researcher has undertaken an extensive survey of the literature that has enabled the researcher to gain a better insight on the concerned topic. In the light of the knowledge acquired from the literature review the researcher has discussed how the research questions can be answered and how the ex-offenders will be of extreme help if they are considered within the society. On the other hand, the researcher has also focused on the importance of the recruiters without their contribution, the ex-offenders will not able to live a happier life. References Blessett, B., Pryor, M. (2013). The Invisible Job Seeker: The Absence of Ex-Offenders in Discussions of Diversity Management.Public Administration Quarterly, 433-455. Bushway, S. D., Apel, R. (2012). A signaling perspective on employment based reentry programming.Criminology public policy,11(1), 21-50. Fitzgerald, E. L., Chronister, K. M., Forrest, L., Brown, L. (2013). OPTIONS for Preparing Inmates for Community Reentry An Employment Preparation Intervention.The Counseling Psychologist,41(7), 990-1010 Harwin, A. (2012). VII Challenges to Employment Discrimination Against Minority Men With Criminal Records.Berkeley J. Afr.-Am. L. Pol'y,14, 2-65 Jason, L. A., Olson, B. D., Harvey, R. (2015). Evaluating alternative aftercare models for ex-offenders.Journal of drug issues,45(1), 53-68 Lageson, S., Uggen, C. (2013). How work affects crimeand crime affects workover the life course. InHandbook of life-course criminology(pp., 201-212). Springer New York. Moses, M. C. (2012). Ex-offender job placement programs do not reduce recidivism.Corrections Today,74(4), 106-108. Nally, J. M., Lockwood, S., Ho, T., Knutson, K. (2014). Post-release recidivism and employment among different types of released offenders: A 5-year follow-up study in the United States.International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences,9(1), 16 Newell, W. (2013). Legacy of Nixon, Reagan, and Horton: How the Tough on Crime Movement Enabled a New Regime of Race-Influenced Employment Discrimination, The.Berkeley J. Afr.-Am. L. Pol'y,15, 3. Pijoan, E. L. (2014). Legal protections against criminal background checks in Europe.Punishment Society,16(1), 50-73. Schriro, D. (2012). Good Science, Good Sense: Making Meaningful Change HappenA Practitioner's Perspective.Criminology Public Policy,11(1), 101-110. Solomon, A. L. (2012). In search of a job: Criminal records as barriers to employment.NIJ Journal,270, 42-51 Sugie, N. F. (2012). Punishment and welfare: Paternal incarceration and families' receipt of public assistance.Social Forces, sos055 Van Schellen, M., Apel, R., Nieuwbeerta, P. (2012). Because Youre Mine, I Walk the Line? Marriage, Spousal Criminality, and Criminal Offending Over the Life Course.Journal of quantitative criminology,28(4), 701-723. Varghese, F. P. (2013). Vocational Interventions with Offenders Interdisciplinary Research, Theory, and Integration.The Counseling Psychologist,41(7), 1011-1039 Verbruggen, J., Blokland, A. A., van der Geest, V. R. (2012). Effects of employment and unemployment on serious offending in a high-risk sample of men and women from ages 18 to 32 in the Netherlands.British Journal of Criminology,52(5), 845-869.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Intergration of Traditional and Digital Marketing free essay sample

Introduction Integrated Marketing is where all forms of marketing channels and communications are carefully linked together to reinforce a single coherent message. Integrated marketing programs incorporate an appropriate and customised combination of on-line and traditional marketing elements that can include: †¢Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) The use of keywords that increases ranking in the google listings according to relevance of the words used in the search engine. †¢Search Engine Marketing (SEM) The maximizing of exposure through Pay Per Click impressions. Social Media Marketing The use of social network platforms †¢Email Marketing Campaigns Mainly used to inform existing customers of new products and services. †¢Radio Advertising Used in the traditional marketing strategies however a medium that can be a very powerful tool of integrating the two marketing traditions †¢Television Advertising Placing commercials during specific times of the day or durin g programs views aimed at a specific target audience can be very effective means of lead generation †¢Bill Board Advertising A effective medium for supplementing a well established online marketing program †¢Newspaper Advertising Effective medium for attracting a wide audience as Television . We will write a custom essay sample on Intergration of Traditional and Digital Marketing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Traditional and digital methods are never as effective separately as they are when fully integrated with one and other. However developing sustainable integrated solutions and successfully executing them ar part of a comprehensive strategy requires foresight and planning. An example of traditional and online marketing strategies powerful interaction was from the Educational Building Society, (EBS) , campaigne â€Å"Mortgage Information Evening†. EBSâ€Å"Mortagage Information Evening† Traditional and Digital Integration. EBS developed a marketing strategy informing potential home owners of an open evening for mortgage advice. The major concept to this strategy is the use of an open evening giving expert advice in order to capture a existing customer base of those interested in buying their own home. The traditional strategies used to inform customers of this open evening were: newspaper, local radio and bill boards and the digital marketing strategies were SEO,Quick Response code, scan, (QR), Blogs, and Cookies. The apparent goal of this marketing strategy was to direct their audience from the traditional arena to the digital market and this was done through the process of the potential customer having to registering in order to attend the information evening. Looking at each medium used individually this can be clearly illustrated: Newspaper Media A newspaper advertisement is an extremely effective means of reaching and attracting a wide audience. The main drawback to this type of medium is competition of the news, other advertisements and location of the advert in the paper. To overcome this obstacle a newspaper advertisement should contain a high visual and headline with a call to action. The EBS advertisement was structured accordingly where they had four full page insertions at the front of the Metro Herald. The front page had a large visual and head line with sub head lines on the other three pages. The integration from traditional to digital took place at the call to action where the customer was directed to their web site via e-mail, or by scanning a Quick Response code, (QR), with a mobile phone which again, brought the viewer to the EBS web site. Local Radio The key aspect of radio media is that it is reliant on only one of the senses and that is hearing. It is on this basis radio has been classified as the â€Å"theatre of the mind† as it generates the imaginaton of the listener. EBS generated a raidio advertisment with a male voice over in a conversation with a female voice over about getting a mortagage. It gave the impression that the listener was listening in on the conversation. The intergration from traditional to digital occured through a third male voice over calling to action by giving the EBS website to attendi the open information evening. Bill Board Bill Boards can be an effective method of highlighting a companys visibility and Brand awarness. It is most effective to sustain a established online marketing program as in the case of the EBS. The intergration occured where the call to action was to direct the audience to the website. Information Evening. The information evening was it self a traditional strategy where EBS inviting those interested in taking out a mortgage to attend for expert advice. This was not only to capture a existing customer base but as the potential customer had to register on line, the intergration from traditional to digital took place as they had to give their Email address and asked if this could be used for further promotions. Thus it allowed EBS to update or create a data base for those promotions. It has been clearly illustrated how EBS used the traditional marketing programs to direct their audience online. However in order to expand their audience further EBS also used a number of digital strategies which were: Search Engine Optimisation. Although EBS used traditional marketing strategies to send their audience directly on to their web page, when â€Å"mortgage information evening† is placed in a search engine, EBS was ranked second as they use keywords that were highly relevant to that search. Use of Blogs on Social Media Platforms and Third Party Sites A Blog short for â€Å"Web Log† refers to a list of journal entrires posted on a web page. The main advantage of hosting these web logs are their interactive feature where a web visitor gets the chance of two way communication. In the EBS campaign, the interactive features not only illustrated feedback on the â€Å"Information Evening† its self, but it also gave details on the consumers attitudes and behaviours towards Mortgage products in areas such â€Å"property tax† and â€Å"negative equity†. The blog also gave feedback concerning the venue and location was taking place. The fact that the EBS hosted these blogs on third party sites such as myhome. ie and 4. pm. ie makes it possible for the hosted websites to improve ther page ranking that leads to maxium online exposure. Quick Response Code (QR Code) QR codes are similar to the standard bar codes that currently appear on all types of cunsumer products. QR codes contain much more informaton than traditional barcodes. A QR code works by scanning the code with a mobile device that is equipped with a camera and a QR reader application. Once the QR code is scanned, it is translated into actionable information which directs the users to a text message. EBS placed the QR code in a newspapers advertisement, once scanned it directed the user to the registration page of the information evening, where they filled in the registration form to attend. This intergation between print and web via QR Codes adds a new dimension of communication to an marketing strategy. Digital Signatures/Cookies. A cookie is a piece of information in the form of small text that is placed on an internets users hard drive. Cookies can have different functions; a) They make interaction between user and website faster and easier. b) Without cookies it would be difficult for a website to allow a vistor to fill up a shopping cart or remember the users registration details. In the context of using cookies for online marketing they have the ability to collect demographic information. They also enable websites to monitor their users web activities and profile them for marketing purposes (for example, to find out which products or services they are interested in and send them targetted advertisment). EBS does have a pop up menu for cookie compliance which asks ther vistor to accept their cookie. However, the purpose may be for online marketing strategies but the website does not inform the user the purpose of the cookie. Conclusion. What the EBS mortgage information evening campaign shows is that traditional marketing is more of an extension of online marketing strategies, rather than a strategy in itself. The goal of traditional marketing now is to engage the consumer offline and then connect and convert them online. However, what the EBS marketing strategy does demonstrate is that in order that traditional to be effective with online marketing it is necessary that a) a meaningful marketing message should be the first step in any campaign. This message should contain the purpose of the marketing strategy. How will it benefit the reader? What action do you want the reader to take? b) Who is the audience? Once you have determined what you are saying it is now necessary to know who you are speaking to. It is beneficial to be specific and being focused on those people who will get the most benefit from what you are offering. c) Where is your audience? Once you know who your audience is you need to determine the best way to get your message to them. Are they using Google search, are they reading newspapers online or off, Do they read newspapers or blogs. Do they listen to radio or iPods. Do they gossip with friends at the pub or on Facebook. The EBS campaign has shown that once the marketing message has a clear purpose the audience required can be reached with a good integration of traditional and online methods.