Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Marijuana Medical Value

medical examination Value of marihuana marijuana has been subprogramd as a source of medicine for centuries- a vulgar medicinal show for the ancients. Even as technology became part of how we live, it was considered a workable treatment for many ailments. Marijuana is the buds and leaves of the cannabis sative lay down. This plant contains to a greater extent than 400 chemical, including delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) the plants main phychoative chemical. Marijuana can be vey strong in threating a tot up of illnesses and diseases. Some of the more common conditions and symptoms treated with medical marijuana include: chronic pain, illness, glaucoma, exaltation disorders, cancer, diabetes, ponderousness spasms, arthritis, chemotheraphy, fibromy algia, and many more. Medical Marijuana: * Stimulates appetite and pacify cachexia * Control nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotheraphy. * Decrease intraocular pressure. * Analgesia * Neutrological and front disorders. Marijuana has shown to accession appetite and food intake after(prenominal) sens, which is a good use for HIV infected patients who due(p) to the HIV they loss weight and appetite. Marijuana doesnt cure illneses or disease, the study marijuana was clearly shown it lonesome(prenominal) gives relief. In the absolute majority of patients they had a greater than 30 percent reduction in pain after smoking marijuana. For many, that level of relief federal agency having a tolerable quality of life Accumulated medical marijuana info indicates particulary for pain relief, antiemesis, and appetite stimulation. For patients, such as those with acquired immune wishing syndrome or undergoing chemotheraphy, who suffer simultaneously from severe pain, nausea, and appetite loss, cannabinoid drugs brightness level thus offer broad spectrum relief not conformation in any other single medication. The data is weaker for musculus spasticity, but moderately promising. The least promising c! ategories are surgery disorders, epilepsy, and glaucoma. Animal data are moderately supportive of a potential of a potential for...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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