Sunday, January 1, 2017

Native American Story of Black Elk

macabre red deer tells a level about his family, his tribe, his people, and the circle of carriage. precisely most of wholly downhearted moose speaks about his life and his spiritual journey. This is a myth of a sha human race and as he speaks we go deeper and deeper into his reverie from his falsifyful words we ar able to catch a glimpse of congenital American devotion and their spirituality. By the symbolizations and ominous Elks poetic words, we are able to pull out a clear thinker what his religion is about and how it affects them in their daily life.\n\nBlack Elk speaks about his culture and his traditional way of life. Appreciating nature and cock-a-hoop thanks to m early(a) humanity is what the autochthonic American strives on and lives for. Unlike the white man who came to America looking to engage and take over, using all the natural resources and winning what is in front of their eyes, the inbred American is about balance and taking enough so there would be more for tomorrow. Appreciating undercoat and nature is where most of their religion and symbols come from. The buffalo encompass is a symbol for all the good things in life. The Native American uses buffalo and bison for everything, from victuals to clothing, they do not knock off anything. The eagle on the other hand is a symbol for lifting of the spirit. Because of their soaring and mountainous flight. The dawn star is another symbol that is important in their culture. The one, who sees the temperatenessrise star, is the one with wisdom. Seeing genus Venus is a symbol of attaining wisdom.\n\nThe Native American not lone(prenominal) celebrates nature, but spirits as well. They celebrate the west, which is the color of black. It represent rain and giving life. The wedlock is the color white, it symbolize baksheesh and the winter. The east is the color red, and it symbolizes the sun and the summer time. The south is the color yellow and it represents warmth. The se are the tetrad spirits. The Native American uses chants to go into a spiritual stand for to contact with the spirits. Having leaders and medicinal drug men chanting and liberation into dream time is a big part of Native American culture.\n\nBlack Elk for most of the book was caught in the midst of the ecstasy of his vision and the tragic world in which...If you wish to get a dear essay, order it on our website:

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