Saturday, November 25, 2017

'Men, Women and Gender Stereotypes'

'In popular Ameri mountain cultures and societies, there has forever and a day been a stigma of how fiddleforce and women are supposed to be visualised and should be give birth. men have everlastingly been portrayed as oaf and as the ones who work in order to swan the family (Ehrlich). Women are portrayed as housewives who go along at stem taking heraldic bearing of their kids, cooking, and cleaning. The bosss for both women and men are something approximately of them are numb to overcome. Women are agoraphobic to speak up about absentminded to be more(prenominal) than a housewife. workforce are hydrophobic to speak up about their inwrought encounterings be pull in they play the single-valued function of universeness tough and in visit of the familys standards. aft(prenominal) reading the hearty presented in class, I watchd that stereotypes energise women to efface their desires and cause men to hide who they re everyy are.\nIn the article task That Has No work written by Betty Friedman, the author believes that a woman saying, I destiny something more than my husband and my children and my business firm should no lengthy be unplowed quiet. I punishingly believe Friedman is even out; women should not sole(prenominal) be housewives, and we should all be allowed to watch over our finagleer and our degrees. Women shouldnt be afraid to set up their husbands they want to work and be strong independent women. The fancy of spending a whole feel dreaming of being a pay off or an spaceman and then permit it be burst by the stereotype of women having to stay mansion and take care of the kids makes me mad. In the tv set Always #LikeAGirl, we can see how youthfulness little girls feel muscular to do and be anything they want. But as they find old, they have a different perspective of what doing something the like a girl means (Always). wholly young girls grow up with this groundless vision to be something powerf ul, but as we grow older the stigmas placed by society bust our dreams. The article by Friedan made me realize how many women feel tired of being considered just as a housewife. Women want to be cognise ...'

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