Sunday, November 10, 2019

Small and Medium Enterprise

Accessibility Monorails for Urban Community in Jakarta Contemporary societies heavily depend on transportation and modern social life is possible only if people have mobility on a daily basis?the ability to move around so that they can do what they have to do or like to do (Augurs, 2004).On the one hand, high personal mobility and the lifestyle choices are features of modern societies but costs and constraints involved in meeting this demand threaten communities in important ways via financial impositions, increases in pollution and greenhouse effects and reduction of local amenity, promotion of dispersed development and the aka up of farm or bush land and depletion of scarce fossil fuel reserves (G, 1999, up. 11-122). Nowadays almost every day mass media in Indonesia review the issues about poor public transport and increasing levels of traffic congestion in Jakarta.The problem of congestion and poor of public transportation services is the triggers that increased of using private c ars in Jakarta which causes the high acceleration rate of growth private motor vehicles, both motorcycles and cars since 1999 (Table. L). Congestion reducing approach by push the using of private motor vehicles and evitable of public transportation services is to be important. Failure of transportation systems will interfere with the development of an area, affecting the efficiency of the urban economy.Provides good public transportation service will encourage people to change from private vehicles to public transportation. Based on this fact, the people in Jakarta hope that Jakarta Provincial Government immediately revivalist the public transportation services. Given the fact how important to managing for excellence in public transportation, one of those benefits is public transportation improves the quality of life in immunities by providing safe, efficient, and economical transportation service (Klein, 2005, p. 154).The availability and cost effectiveness of public transportation is also vital to ensuring a healthy economy and improving mobility. Improvements of public transport will help to reduce congestion, air pollution, also oil and energy consumption. One of our government program is to build monorails in Jakarta. The reason to build monorails, because each and every day hundreds of thousands of passengers are carried on monorails, environment friendly and also cost effective (Greenwood, 1963, up. 6-29). Lots of experts who concluded Jakarta will getting worse of congestion if not solving efforts from now.Some of other causes is the lack of public transport services and undisciplined road users in Jakarta. There are several ways or way out that can be used as an approach to solve the congestion problem in Jakarta. Certainly can be done as an approach, such as reducing the use of private motor vehicles and increased ethics, traffic discipline on the highway and revitalization the public Jakarta that fairly representative and already operates nearly aro und 9 years old with Eng corridors more than 200 Km, but Trans-Jakarta has not become a right answer of mass transportation in Jakarta.A new innovation that will implement in Jakarta is to build monorails transportation system. Build the monorails transportation system is not a purely economic and financial feasibility, but more than for the vision of a city. Life and economic activity of a city, depending on how easily people to travel or mobility and how often they can do it to various destinations in the city.Main objective from monorails transportation system is to provides the opportunity for people to improve the quality with a more liable, trustworthy, safe, comfortable, affordable and more economical. Monorails have often been lumped together with flying cars as part of a naive, cartoonist vision of the future (Kennedy, 2005, p. 2). The monorails society defines monorails as â€Å"A single rail serving as a track for passenger or freight vehicles. In most cases rail is elev ated, but monorails can also run at grade, below grade or in subway tunnels (Kennedy, 2005, p. ). Plan to build a monorails in Jakarta is still in a long-term process, but it would be better if the government has already started planning for NY particular infrastructure and study from an international reference about what, why in order to prepare and support this project. The reasons to support of using monorails; 1 . Monorails are nonpolluting, quite and automated, all these characteristics are approximately the same for any electrically powered modern transport system on a guide- way or rails. 2.Safety, the record has been extremely good, with serious operational accidents not yet encountered. 3. Personal safety has also been exceptional, and systems operate in controlled environments, and extensive surveillance programs done by monitors and safety response are in place. 4. Advanced technology image, monorails are associated in the public mind with technological advancement and vi sionary concepts, This may be a considerable positive force, possibly generating considerable public and civic support for implementation. Augurs, 2004). Monorails are categorized in Zero Accident or the safest public transpiration systems. Because of their elevated design, accidents with surface traffic are impossible. Zero accidents translates to no system down time, less liability suits and most importantly, no injuries or deaths where street rail systems with grade crossings (light rail, trams r trellises) can't offer this kind of safety. Also, passenger safety is a primary consideration in the design of modern monorails system.Various manufacturers are ensure passengers safety and comfort during their trips. These kind of modern cars benefited recent interior design techniques and modern convenience features such as fully automated air conditioning systems, the vehicles' air spring suspension and unobstructed passageways to bring an open atmosphere to the passengers, and to pro vide a pleasant time for passengers rather than a time feeling boxed in, as they feel like having fun walking in the air.Monorails are completely electric and produce zero emissions and, as meaner of transpiration, monorails aid in the removal of large amount of various motor vehicle traffics and reduced emissions by tons of carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCE) and nitrogen oxides (Knox). Environmentalists have long sought to be rid of pollution and congestion caused by auto traffic in every preserved natural area. There are several examples of green monorails track through Jungle areas.Since most 66 monorails trains run above the surface, wildlife and humans would be safer, noise levels would be lower, and elution would be greatly reduced. Concerning CA emission in passenger transport the rail transport (including light, heavy rail and monorails) is four times more efficient than the car and three times more than the plane on average (Figure 4. 5); also because m ost of the modern light rail and monorails systems have electrical engines, the required energy is supplied by a stationary power supply system fed by the public power grid or a distant small size power plant.This meaner, the mentioned systems does not produce any local exhaust emissions. Assessment of the economic effects associated with the proposed monorails system as been divided into estimated cost values regarding construction period of the system and estimated benefit values associated with system services and consequent regional impact. Monorail systems are not cheap. They cost much more than bus systems. However they usually cost less than light rail systems, considerably less than heavy rail commuter railroads, and much less than underground light rail or subway systems.Even though bus systems normally cost much less, in the case of true bus rapid transit where specially-designed buses run on grade separated bus- only roadways, the costs may exceed that of a monorail line. Generally, there are many variables which influence the price of building a monorail system. Included factors are as follow: 1 . Total length of the system, in many cases, costs can be reduced the longer a system is. 2. Topography, is the terrain flat or hilly. 3. Location, what is the access for construction equipment?Will there be heavy traffic or other impediments to construction? 4. Utilities, relocation of water mains, power lines, telephone lines, etc. Can have a significant effect on cost increases. 6. Passenger requirements, what size and number of vehicles are required? How much time will they wait at stations? 7. Speed, what are the speed requirements of the system? Are there long enough distances between stations so that a higher speed is desired? 8. Number of stations, each additional station adds to the cost. 9. Special structures, such as tunnels, bridges.The swift evolutional technical advancements are inseparable part of our contemporary urban societies. These ongoi ng evolutional modifications, which will continue to reconstruct future cities, are inevitably leading us to dissect the unsent influences on our lives. While, the conventional public transportation does not yet provide the comfort level of a private vehicle, probably the most sensible way to deal with the negative effects of such transformations is to employ recent technical enhancements in our everyday transit systems.However, the relatively high cost of monorail construction has undoubtedly been a factor in limiting the size of these operating systems. Although, soaring costs, long construction timeshare, and immense complexity of required design elements prevent this type of transportation ode to be looked at seriously within the metropolitan areas, the overall benefits make monorail as one the best solutions for institutional usages. ( Danna Parapets ) Bibliography Greenwood, F. H. , 1963. Monorails for Metropolitan Transportation. Small and Medium Enterprise Accessibility Monorails for Urban Community in Jakarta Contemporary societies heavily depend on transportation and modern social life is possible only if people have mobility on a daily basis?the ability to move around so that they can do what they have to do or like to do (Augurs, 2004).On the one hand, high personal mobility and the lifestyle choices are features of modern societies but costs and constraints involved in meeting this demand threaten communities in important ways via financial impositions, increases in pollution and greenhouse effects and reduction of local amenity, promotion of dispersed development and the aka up of farm or bush land and depletion of scarce fossil fuel reserves (G, 1999, up. 11-122). Nowadays almost every day mass media in Indonesia review the issues about poor public transport and increasing levels of traffic congestion in Jakarta.The problem of congestion and poor of public transportation services is the triggers that increased of using private c ars in Jakarta which causes the high acceleration rate of growth private motor vehicles, both motorcycles and cars since 1999 (Table. L). Congestion reducing approach by push the using of private motor vehicles and evitable of public transportation services is to be important. Failure of transportation systems will interfere with the development of an area, affecting the efficiency of the urban economy.Provides good public transportation service will encourage people to change from private vehicles to public transportation. Based on this fact, the people in Jakarta hope that Jakarta Provincial Government immediately revivalist the public transportation services. Given the fact how important to managing for excellence in public transportation, one of those benefits is public transportation improves the quality of life in immunities by providing safe, efficient, and economical transportation service (Klein, 2005, p. 154).The availability and cost effectiveness of public transportation is also vital to ensuring a healthy economy and improving mobility. Improvements of public transport will help to reduce congestion, air pollution, also oil and energy consumption. One of our government program is to build monorails in Jakarta. The reason to build monorails, because each and every day hundreds of thousands of passengers are carried on monorails, environment friendly and also cost effective (Greenwood, 1963, up. 6-29). Lots of experts who concluded Jakarta will getting worse of congestion if not solving efforts from now.Some of other causes is the lack of public transport services and undisciplined road users in Jakarta. There are several ways or way out that can be used as an approach to solve the congestion problem in Jakarta. Certainly can be done as an approach, such as reducing the use of private motor vehicles and increased ethics, traffic discipline on the highway and revitalization the public Jakarta that fairly representative and already operates nearly aro und 9 years old with Eng corridors more than 200 Km, but Trans-Jakarta has not become a right answer of mass transportation in Jakarta.A new innovation that will implement in Jakarta is to build monorails transportation system. Build the monorails transportation system is not a purely economic and financial feasibility, but more than for the vision of a city. Life and economic activity of a city, depending on how easily people to travel or mobility and how often they can do it to various destinations in the city.Main objective from monorails transportation system is to provides the opportunity for people to improve the quality with a more liable, trustworthy, safe, comfortable, affordable and more economical. Monorails have often been lumped together with flying cars as part of a naive, cartoonist vision of the future (Kennedy, 2005, p. 2). The monorails society defines monorails as â€Å"A single rail serving as a track for passenger or freight vehicles. In most cases rail is elev ated, but monorails can also run at grade, below grade or in subway tunnels (Kennedy, 2005, p. ). Plan to build a monorails in Jakarta is still in a long-term process, but it would be better if the government has already started planning for NY particular infrastructure and study from an international reference about what, why in order to prepare and support this project. The reasons to support of using monorails; 1 . Monorails are nonpolluting, quite and automated, all these characteristics are approximately the same for any electrically powered modern transport system on a guide- way or rails. 2.Safety, the record has been extremely good, with serious operational accidents not yet encountered. 3. Personal safety has also been exceptional, and systems operate in controlled environments, and extensive surveillance programs done by monitors and safety response are in place. 4. Advanced technology image, monorails are associated in the public mind with technological advancement and vi sionary concepts, This may be a considerable positive force, possibly generating considerable public and civic support for implementation. Augurs, 2004). Monorails are categorized in Zero Accident or the safest public transpiration systems. Because of their elevated design, accidents with surface traffic are impossible. Zero accidents translates to no system down time, less liability suits and most importantly, no injuries or deaths where street rail systems with grade crossings (light rail, trams r trellises) can't offer this kind of safety. Also, passenger safety is a primary consideration in the design of modern monorails system.Various manufacturers are ensure passengers safety and comfort during their trips. These kind of modern cars benefited recent interior design techniques and modern convenience features such as fully automated air conditioning systems, the vehicles' air spring suspension and unobstructed passageways to bring an open atmosphere to the passengers, and to pro vide a pleasant time for passengers rather than a time feeling boxed in, as they feel like having fun walking in the air.Monorails are completely electric and produce zero emissions and, as meaner of transpiration, monorails aid in the removal of large amount of various motor vehicle traffics and reduced emissions by tons of carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCE) and nitrogen oxides (Knox). Environmentalists have long sought to be rid of pollution and congestion caused by auto traffic in every preserved natural area. There are several examples of green monorails track through Jungle areas.Since most 66 monorails trains run above the surface, wildlife and humans would be safer, noise levels would be lower, and elution would be greatly reduced. Concerning CA emission in passenger transport the rail transport (including light, heavy rail and monorails) is four times more efficient than the car and three times more than the plane on average (Figure 4. 5); also because m ost of the modern light rail and monorails systems have electrical engines, the required energy is supplied by a stationary power supply system fed by the public power grid or a distant small size power plant.This meaner, the mentioned systems does not produce any local exhaust emissions. Assessment of the economic effects associated with the proposed monorails system as been divided into estimated cost values regarding construction period of the system and estimated benefit values associated with system services and consequent regional impact. Monorail systems are not cheap. They cost much more than bus systems. However they usually cost less than light rail systems, considerably less than heavy rail commuter railroads, and much less than underground light rail or subway systems.Even though bus systems normally cost much less, in the case of true bus rapid transit where specially-designed buses run on grade separated bus- only roadways, the costs may exceed that of a monorail line. Generally, there are many variables which influence the price of building a monorail system. Included factors are as follow: 1 . Total length of the system, in many cases, costs can be reduced the longer a system is. 2. Topography, is the terrain flat or hilly. 3. Location, what is the access for construction equipment?Will there be heavy traffic or other impediments to construction? 4. Utilities, relocation of water mains, power lines, telephone lines, etc. Can have a significant effect on cost increases. 6. Passenger requirements, what size and number of vehicles are required? How much time will they wait at stations? 7. Speed, what are the speed requirements of the system? Are there long enough distances between stations so that a higher speed is desired? 8. Number of stations, each additional station adds to the cost. 9. Special structures, such as tunnels, bridges.The swift evolutional technical advancements are inseparable part of our contemporary urban societies. These ongoi ng evolutional modifications, which will continue to reconstruct future cities, are inevitably leading us to dissect the unsent influences on our lives. While, the conventional public transportation does not yet provide the comfort level of a private vehicle, probably the most sensible way to deal with the negative effects of such transformations is to employ recent technical enhancements in our everyday transit systems.However, the relatively high cost of monorail construction has undoubtedly been a factor in limiting the size of these operating systems. Although, soaring costs, long construction timeshare, and immense complexity of required design elements prevent this type of transportation ode to be looked at seriously within the metropolitan areas, the overall benefits make monorail as one the best solutions for institutional usages. ( Danna Parapets ) Bibliography Greenwood, F. H. , 1963. Monorails for Metropolitan Transportation.

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