Thursday, January 9, 2014


Vietnamistan - differences and similarities between the 2 struggles - By Brage Similarities between the Vietnam contend and the fight on menace currently (and for the last decade) universe of deal waged in Afghanistan rise debate. The similarities argon plenty and significant, however the two warfares ar very different in scope and, roughly important, with a different objective, even though both wars were and are fought to cling to American interests. One of the differences is the fact that in the war in Afghanistan the Americans have an excuse for being there at all, this being the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers (Ground Zero) and on the Pentagon 9.11 2001, for which the US in a flash want vengeance, launching the so-called war on terror in order to eradicate the threat of Muslim fundamentalism and terrorism. The character of the Vietnam war on the other hand was to stop the circularize of fabianism by vanquishing the Vietcong guerilla forces and t he North Vietnamese army, preventing them in their crusade to overthrow the regime in South Vietnam. During the frigid War in the 60ties and 70ties the Americans adhered to the so-called Domino Theory, which later prove to be a misconception. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
According to this theory it was believed that if a virtuoso farming succumbed to the communist threat (popularily referred to by Americans as the inflamed panic), other countries in South East Asia would as well. every last(predicate) falling into the communists grasp like domino blocks. As a conclusion, although the spread of communism was considered a threat to the US, it was non triggered by a direct attack! on American red cent like the war in Afghanistan. As a add of this among other things the US forces met a lot of resistance not only in Vietnam as expected, but also nates home in America and all over the humans as millions rose in protest of the war. Of course the media damages coverage of the conditions in Vietnam added vastly to this effect and eventually the impel from its sustain people forced the US forces to pull...If you want to labour a full essay, order it on our website:

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