Friday, June 21, 2019

Club IT, Part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Club IT, Part 2 - Essay ExampleVendors will father the ability to restock for the possessor at the appropriate time. In the paper, l am using the traditional systems development life cycle which provides the user with a tentative system for experimental purposes at the earliest possible time. (Kellen and Night, 2001, pg 51 ) Keywords website optimization Club IT Technical Issues Club IT has done a very good renovation of its familiarity and have in turn attracted a very good clientele to their club which is a big step. The technical aspects of club improvement include hardware and run systems, networking, data management systems, and applications software. The lack of a good quality Internet is a big hurdle. During my observation night, l had to deal with slow Internet which was a dial up type in a cramped room. This really slowed down my research that evening and putting into consideration the type of clients that this club attracts, it needs an improvement. If the club can ac quire a better type of Internet, it would also service Club ITs customers who mostly are Net Generation and Millennials. These customers regularly use mobile technologies such as Blackberries, PDAs, camera phones, and other wireless communication devices. Club IT should also consider having wired and secure network connections for their offices. The club owners should also consider expanding their offices and using fewer machines in their offices. The club produces its own merchandise which is displayed on its website. Although this is a good thing, they should include a shopping hale and snippet code to escort easy location of required products. Since most of their clients shop online, this would increase traffic to their website and attract their competitors customers and get the break they need to gain the competitive advantage over the rest. For the site to be secured, the user should be provided with a unique username and a password which is alphanumeric to ensure security. His password should expire after a period of one month to ensure that they are not hacked easily. Relocation of ticket sales should be make so that they can also take advantage of these resources. The companys website has limited its access to only the administrators. This has served as a shortcoming to its vendors who could play refer role in developing the cost benefit of the company. By giving access to its suppliers they will be able to notice the various market changes as well as enable them to find an array of reports that provide analysis of how their products are selling. In the future, the club owners will be able to exchange selective information with the vendors directly ensuring that they have the competitive advantage over their competitors. Over time, this type of system enables the website owners to keep track of their individual sales and their respective curve chains. each(prenominal) department should get their own portal on the website to enable accountability . The different departments should also be accessible to each other to make it simple to leave with each other e.g. the accounts department accessing the staff portal to pay them. The staff should also be given unique passwords and usernames which cannot be compromised. A virtual firewall should be implemented to avoid unauthorized access. Recommended project development methodology The recommended development methodology is the linear methodology. This type of methodology divides the project into sequential phases which

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