Sunday, October 6, 2019

Engineering Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Engineering Ethics - Assignment Example An example would be concrete hardens slower as the temperature drops. The logical support is water freezes 0Â °C. Since concrete is mixed with water, the water temperature will affect how the concrete sets. The empirical support is the actual observations show at 21Â °C concrete will set within 6 hours. At 16Â °C concrete will set within 8 hours. It takes 11 hours at 10Â °C for concrete to set. It takes 19 hours at -1Â °C for concrete to set. At -7Â °C concrete will freeze. Actual observation and empirical support have proved how concrete sets during different temperatures. Social science theory is about what can be proven, not how society should function. An example would be 18 year old males in the United States can be drafted into the military in the case of war. This is an example of what is. An example of what should be is the draft should not exist, or women should also be drafted in order for equality to be achieved. In Israel all individuals, except mothers and Hasidic Jews, are made to serve two years in the military upon turning 18 years old. This can be proven. It is a law of Israeli society. What can be proven in society does not necessarily have to be a law. An example is the literacy rate in the United States is in the high 90% range. This can be proven through research and the national census. Basically social science theory can be proven, and is not based on opinion. Etic is the external researcher’s interpretation of what things mean to a member/members of society. Emic is the native’s or citizen’s interpretation for the basis of their beliefs. The etic and emic perspectives of the accident Three Mile Island were diametrically opposite. The emic view of what was going on in the population around Three Mile Island was panic generated by the release of The China Syndrome, misinformation, confusion, flawed formulas, an invincibility concept of nuclear reactors, and general mismanagement on the part of the staff of Three Mile

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