Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Starbucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Starbucks - Essay Example Its sales and expansions are growing faster each and every decade. In the financial year 2013, the sales were recorded US$ 180,000 and the purchasers of these specific brands were around 27000 people according to a media report. Growth of this company contributing a lot in the economic health of the United stated. It brings employment opportunities in the country, positively effects gross domestic product GDP of the country as well. This company has selected because this can give us better and accurate business picture. It has a relatively good position in overall coffee industry. The data provided for this company must be accurate and flawless reason being its one of the best and successful business from many years. There are professional financial analysts that are maintaining all of its financial record effectively and efficiently. Star buck actively participating in the social and environmental activities. However the Starbucks established in 1971 but in 1999 it started a â€Å"Grounds for your Garden† in order to make the business environmental friendly For instance, instead of throwing away spent coffee grounds during the summer season, these grounds are left out for green-thumbed customers who want to use them in their gardens as a source of acid for the soil. In 2004, star bucks started a campaign to reduce the size of their paper napkins, store junk bags and alleviate their solid waste production. Environmental Protection Agency ranked Star bucks at number 15 in 2008. According to one of US newspapers named ‘Sun’ reported that star bucks is wasting 23.4 million liters water per day. In response to this published report star bucks start working for the saving of water in 2009, it re assessed its dipper well systems to control the excessive use of water. After few months of efforts, star bucks successfully developed the new water saving solutions to meet the government health standards. This strategy helps all the operating stores of star

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