Monday, May 25, 2020

Differences Between Race And Ethnicity - 960 Words

Discuss the similarities and differences between race and ethnicity and give and give an example of each. James M. Henslin defines race as â€Å"a group of people with inherited physical characteristics that distinguish it from another group† (2014). Meanwhile, ethnicity â€Å"refers to cultural characteristics† (Henslin, 2014). The difference mostly relies in a similar argument to the classic nature versus nurture argument. Race is what a person genetically inherits. Whether it may be skin tone or anatomical features, they are dictated by something outside of a person’s personal preference. An example of race is that a person could be caucasian or latino. They do not get to choose, they are simply given the traits of that race through their bloodline. Ethnicity, however, relates more to a person’s identity outside of their genetic material. This could be based off of what type of culture a person was raised in. A persons’ ethnicity can be reflective of their race, but it could also differ. Sometimes, as Henslin explains, ethnicities can be confused an d seen as races. One example he gives is Judaism. Some people see being Jewish as a race. Although for some people their beliefs may be tied in with their race, no genetic material determines if you are Jewish or not. For many people it is passed down through generations, yet it is by educating and raising a child in that culture rather than them being genetically imbedded with Judaism. Being Jewish does not dictate a person’s skinShow MoreRelatedSimilarities And Differences Between The Primordialist And Anthony Smith s Book Ethnicity And Race For My Class Lecture On2002 Words   |  9 Pagesof the concept of Ethnicity? What is the constructionist perspective? According to constructionism, how do the elites view ethnicity? (Use Introduction from Hutchinson and Smith book Ethnicity and the excerpt of chapters from Cornell and Hartmann that will be posted on blackboard. NB: I used Cornell and Hartmann’s book Ethnicity and Race for my class lecture on approaches to eth nicity.) In Ethnicity by John Hutchinson and Anthony Smith identify two existing camps of ethnicity: primordialist andRead MoreT-Test Ratio Literature Review1267 Words   |  6 Pagesused to determine the differences of pain rating in the past seven days between males and females. The t-test output indicates a significant difference of pain score between females and males, t (2130) = 5.8629, p0.001. Consistent with the result of regression, the expected mean of pain score for females is 0.77 unit greater than the mean of pain score for males, p0.001. In conclusion, it can be clearly seen that pain ratings in the past 7 days differ significantly between females and males. Read More The Role of Ethnicity and Race in the Way Audiences Interpret Media Messages1598 Words   |  7 PagesThe Role of Ethnicity and Race in the Way Audiences Interpret Media Messages According to the sociological definition of race and ethnicity, there is a close interrelation between race and ethnicity. Race has not been defined by the biological difference that it is stood on the social construct. Race does not discriminate the skin color from others which is related to the ethnicity. Race is defined on the social construct which based on physical and cultural features (Fulcher Scott, 2007). Read MoreRace And Ethnicity Are Integral Parts Of America905 Words   |  4 PagesRace and Ethnicity are integral parts of America. They are often used interchangeably. Race is associated with biology. It is a socially and politically constructed category of individuals who are assumed to share common inborn biological traits, such as bone structure, hair type, skin, or eye color. These distinctions have been used to the detriment or advantage of American groups over time. Whereas ethnicity is associated with culture factors. It is often tied to nationality of origin an d characterizedRead MoreCancer Survivors1298 Words   |  6 PagesKing, Christopher J, et al. Decomposing Differences in Medical Care Access among Cancer Survivors by Race and Ethnicity. American Journal of Medical Quality: The Official Journal of the American College of Medical Quality, vol. 30, no. 5, Sept. 2015, pp. 459-469. The study discussed in this article explores factors that can explain the medical care access inequalities between cancer survivors of different races and ethnicities. The article argues that when white and minority cancer survivorsRead MoreThe History Of White People By Nell Irvin952 Words   |  4 Pagesvideo being about a certain historical time period, it is a literal adaptation of the title. The book is about how the â€Å"white race† came about; it discusses how certain ethnicities, and races came to be considered white, or Caucasian. I believe the book probably contains a lot more history, however she skipped over most of that and touched on the main points. The concept of race is a human construction. Painter called it an idea. The main point of the video is the concept of â€Å"whiteness†, and how itRead MoreAnalysis Of Kenan Malik s The Meaning Of Race : Race, History And Culture906 Words   |  4 Pages The Meaning of Race: Race, History and Culture in Western Society, Paul Broca stated, â€Å"Race in the present state of things is an abstract conception.† He further stated that race is â€Å"a conception of continuity in discontinuity, of unity in diversity. It is the rehabilitation of a real but directly unobtainable thing.† Based on Broca’s statements, it is difficult to classify humans into racial categories because the definition of what makes a person a member of a particular race differs from regionRead MoreWorkplace Discrimination : Tips For Executives, Managers, And Students1261 Words   |  6 Pagesshort book, Robinson gives examples of how managers or employers should react to situations and how to avoid illegal discrimination. Robinson goes into details about possible illegal discrimination. An acronym Robinson uses is â€Å"REGARDS† (race discrimination, ethnicity discrimination, gender discrimination, age discrimination, religion discrimination, disability discrimination, and sexual orientation discrimination) to help others remember the more common illegal discrimination. 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Social scientists have to consider the key elements which shape identity, the importance of social structures and agency involved. The differences and/or similarities between us are the focus that categorise and label us in society. Knowing who we are is important

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