Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Price of Freedom - 1550 Words

Delmy Alvarado Philosophy 10 Chris Rocco 10/01/2012 First Essay Assignment The Price of Freedom Freedom is believed by many to be physical. With freedom you can do what you want and say what you want without having to answer to anyone. The question is, is freedom really that simple? If so, does that mean we are all free? Reading the stories, â€Å"The Grand Inquisitor,† â€Å"Oedipus Rex,† and â€Å"The Crying of Lot 49,† have brought different perspectives on freedom. The three stories all brought into question the definition of freedom. Is freedom just the physical idea of freedom or is there more? Freedom is not just being unshackled and without an owner, it is having one’s own thoughts and ideas, one’s own morals, one’s own set of†¦show more content†¦She too was willing to give up her freedom for certainty, the answer to her questions. Being free can give the peace of mind that you did your best, not someone else’s. In the world we live in today, not a lot of people are free. There is so many standards and laws that make sure we are not free. We are given the illusion that we are, just like the grand inquisitor suggested. Our ideas and morals are controlled by religion, television, laws, and society as a whole. They control from where we live and how far in the social ladder we can climb to what we wear and where we eat. Technology has made us even worse. As far as freedom of speech goes, we are still aware that there are something’s we shouldn’t say. For physical freedom people will still slave over jobs that they do not like because society says they have to work. We eat what is socially acceptable, we watch what others say is good. Religion controls what one’s morals are, what they see as correct and wrong. Our freedom is no better than Oedipus’, who believed all his choices were completely his own doing. We are so sure that we are doing what is right we do not look for truth. Our seeming freedom of choice has blinded us from searching for the actual freedom. Thi s is not necessarily a bad thing. There is union and unified systems that allow us to have a working society. The majority believes in the system. They are following the truths are given and live happy lives knowing that theyShow MoreRelatedThe Price of Freedom Essay511 Words   |  3 PagesThe Price of Freedom What is the price for FREEDOM? Its obvious that the price for freedom is not free but that it is rather large. After obtaining freedom, we look back and wonder was it worth it? Was freedom overpriced? In other words, did we sacrifice and pay too much to be free? In the United States history, there have been many wars that have taken place. We live the way we do today because of the many brave men and women that have sacrificed their lives. There is no doubt that thisRead MorePtsd, The Price Of Freedom785 Words   |  4 PagesPTSD, the Price of Freedom Freedom bears a heavy price. 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