Saturday, February 8, 2014


Autism is a brain development rowdiness. It impairs social interaction and communication it also causes restricted and repetitive behavior. All of these behaviors pull up stakes frequently occur before the age of three. Autism is for the most part inherited, but the genetics of autism is complex and it is generally unclear which genes argon responsible. How this occurs I non very well understood yet. There woefully is no cure for autism yet, however at that place argon several treatments. With grueling autism you most liable(predicate) will never function on your own. With milder autism there are a some adults end up being able to live on there own. In families with a child that has autism, defy the seek of three to octet share chance that there following(a) child will also have autism. Thirty percent that are moliozygotic check will have autism. At to the lowest degree fifteen trillion people in the United States have some melodic phrase of autism. Autism affects all races, ethic groups, and socioeconomic levels. Boys are three to quadruple times more likely than girls to have autism; however girls whitethorn suffer from Rett syndrome. Rett syndrome a brace linked genetic disorder characterized by social withdrawal, simple regressioned row skills, and hand wringing. About a generation ago near all children with autism were institutionalized. Now a days most children/adults live at home with there families. Good password for many another(prenominal) children autism symptoms improve with treatment and with age. round children with autism even end up living near-normal lives. Bad news if children show the signs of language skills regress early in deportment they will be a high at risk of developing epilepsy of seizures. Epilepsy is a common chonic neurological disorder that is characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures. rectify rely on a core group of behaviors to diagnose if a chil d has autism they are ●Inflexible ad! herence to precise routines or rituals. ●Absence or impairment of imaginative or social play. ●Impaired superpower to...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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