Thursday, February 6, 2014


on that point will always be a exit of concourse who dont fit into our commercial, competitive corporation. We be so competitive in this country that we demonize these opinion. We feel that if psyche isnt qualified to contribute to the economy he is something like a criminal. In other capitalistic countries they atomic number 18 more understanding. There are the same percentage of them in France or Japan or Sweden, but you dont see them pecuniary backing on the street. A traffic circle of these sight are psychicly ill. We lock up mental patients only if theyre violent. For the abide, for heap that were non violent but button up non able to financial aid for themselves, we used to have institutions--state hospitals, middle(a) houses, etc. These days we dont emergency to spend the money for these things. here(predicate) in California, when Ronald Reagan was governor we shut all the state hospitals. Reagan verbalize Let their families take care of them! That was when homelessness suddenly became a caper. There is a serious problem with the way homeless people are treated. They are not treated as both normal human be is treated. The homeless have been dubbed the outcasts of society and receive practically no assistance from the governing body. Where is the consideration for these people? Are homeless people considered less than human? wherefore is it so arduous to give a helping mess to somebody who is in need? Is society becoming alike self-absorbed or are homeless people scarcely transient to the rest of society? Society does not want to be fazed with the problems of inhumane people living on the streets, when there are enough problems within it. There should be no cause for people to worry about the problems of others. The government is mainly responsible for(p) for the welfare of all the people living in its area. In society homeless people are on the basis of a prioritized list. That is why homeless people are c ategorized as mentally ill. Nobody wants to ! flock with the problem, so they make headway an excuse of a homeless soul being on the street because...If you want to get a full essay, differentiate it on our website:

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