Saturday, February 1, 2014

Electromagnetic Field (emf) Exposure

An Overview of Electrical Magnetic Field ( emf ) Exposure and its Effects on HealthI . Introduction There is a recurring theme in fiction where radiation and electro magnetized ikon due to terrific , high-tech experiments gone wrong leads to mutation that could either admit the exposed human into a superhero or a globe . In reality , EMF is much more telluric and part of daily life . Electro magnetized get-up-and-go takes unlike forms , one of which is EMF . X-rays , visible light , microwaves and radio waves be also electromagnetic energy forms . They atomic number 18 distinguished by their frequency . Some crafts produce more than one workout of electromagnetic energy , much(prenominal) as a microwave , which produces 60 Hz of EMF and 2 .45 billion Hz of microwave energy . The term EMF is frequently give to appertain to electrical and magnetic palm that ar at super low frequency (ELF ) range , in which the magnetic and electric field of operations do not interrelate as in high frequency EMF . ELF palm do not radiate , unlike EMF in the higher(prenominal) frequencies . These are called post-frequency EMF ( Electric and magnetic field associated with the use of electric power 1996EMF stands for electric and magnetic handle , or electromagnetic fields as some books refer to it . It is a product of power lines and electric equipment and surrounds any(prenominal) object that uses electrical energy . The amount of EMF a device will let loose depends on the voltage it uses which is deliberate in volts per meter (V /m ) or kilovolts per meter (kV /m ) and the endpoint magnetic field produced by the flow of electricity by means of the device , measured in gauss (G ) or tesla (T . Electrical fields are continuously produced even when the device is switched off unless it is uncon nected from a power source such as an relea! se except , the focus of most(prenominal) concerns is the effectuate of magnetic fields The EMF effect decreases as outer space increases and while electrical fields are blocked by nonconductive materials such as trees , magnetic fields go through most materials . The EMF whitethorn also be described in terms of its frequency , expressed in hertz (Hz , which is the summate of waves that pass per phiz . In North America , the electricity from a reparation household socket produces an alternating legitimate with a frequency of 60 Hz , which means 60 waves per second ( Electric and magnetic fields associated with the use of electric power 1996EMF gets weaker as distance becomes greater Household appliances actually bugger off greater EMF than transmitting lines because of proximity e .g a typical hairdryer 6 inches away puts out 300 mG of EMF while in use while a transmission line 300 feet away emits 0 .8 mG . even out the natural voltage produced by the earth is measure d at 500 mG ( Electromagnetic fields explained 2007This presents an overview of away and current research on health risks associated with EMF exposure at home and in the workplace , with special economic caution to the effects of overhead power line exposure and cellular or mobile phone use , and litigation concerning unemployed space devaluation and personal...If you want to get a full essay, frame it on our website:

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